Friday, September 11, 2015

Friday High Five

It was so nice to have a short week, but I am ready for our weekend! I am hoping to take Vivian for a Home Goods and grocery run tomorrow morning while the husband is working, and Saturday afternoon and evening will be all about college football. Go vols! Sunday we are having a family lunch to celebrate Joey's and my stepfather-in-law's birthdays, and the rest of the day is free.
Here are a few things keeping me smiling this week!

(one) Mind of a Chef

We stumbled upon this series on Netflix earlier this week and it is really well done. Each episode is themed around a different type of food and combines travel, cooking, history, and science. Check it out!

(two) Fall Candles

While I have not broken out the fall decorations, my fall candles have been burning non-stop.

I have a few fall Yankee Candles left over from year's past that are a quarter to half full:

And I decided to buy some new ones from White Barn Candle Co. last weekend when they had the 3-wick candles on sale for $12:

(three) CuteCumbers

I found these at Costco last weekend and I have been snacking on them all week! They are small and crunchier, and well, cuter, than regular cucumbers. They are easy to just grab and dip in ranch or just munch on by themselves. And I have Vivian halfway convinced that they are pickles!

(four) Apple Watch

Joey got me an Apple watch for my birthday (back in July, but I haven't blogged in...well, way too long,) and it is so cool! It is one of those things I didn't even know I wanted one until I had it. It will vibrate on your wrist and make a small noise when you get any alerts. It rings or vibrates when a get a phone call and you can silence it (which also silences your phone) by just placing your palm over the watch face. You can view your calendar or the weather and set a stopwatch or timer. My favorite part is the fitness tracker!

It tracks your steps and calories burned and your minutes of exercise and heart rate. It will also remind you to stand up and move around for at least one minute of every hour and tracks the number of hours you have done this. It has really helped me be more active!

(five) Essie Gel Setter Top Coat

In the past I rarely polished my fingernails because I had literally never made it 24 hours without starting to chip and a couple days before they looked terrible. Well I picked this up at Target not long ago and I made it A WEEK with only one little, barely noticeable chip! You can use any polish under it, too. I am still trying to make it a priority to find the time to paint my nails on a more regular basis, but now I know it will last when I do!

Have a great weekend!

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