Friday, March 27, 2015

Friday High Five

TGIF! I am looking forward to a haircut, a family outing to either the Creative Discovery Museum or the Tennessee Aquarium, and date night. Here are a few things that are keeping me smiling this week:

(one) The Martian on Audiobook

This is the second book I've been listening to on my trial period of Audible. It is about an astronaut, Mark Watney, who gets stranded on Mars after an accident which was thought by his fellow crew members to have killed him. 
As the Goodreads review states,  "Now he's stranded millions of miles from the nearest human being, with no way to even signal Earth that he's alive--and even if he could get word out, his food would be gone years before a rescue mission could arrive. Chances are, though, he won't have time to starve to death. The damaged machinery, unforgiving environment, or plain-old "human error" are much more likely to get him first."
It takes a completely terrifying situation and infuses it with humor through the hilarious protagonist's wit, making it feel like one part science fiction and one part dark comedy. It also doesn't hurt that the audiobook narrator, R.C. Bray, is such an incredible voice actor, using separate intonations and accents for each character. The Martian is being adapting to a movie later this year and I can't wait. With Matt Damon playing Watney and Jessica Chastain, Kristin Wiig, Jeff Daniels, and Chiwetel Ejiofor in the cast, it is sure to be a must-see! Is it too early to plan a date night for November?
(two) Good Health
My dad had a little health scare last week that landed him in the hospital for a few days. He is recovering well and biopsies revealed that there is nothing major going on. Situations like this always make me ponder life and make me so thankful for my health and the health of my loved ones.

This recipe is a staple at our house. It is so easy, quick, and delicious. I keep most of the ingredients on hand, so it makes a great last minute dinner. We grill chicken breasts in huge batches, slice or dice them up, and freeze them, so I substitute that for the roasted chicken the recipe calls for and that makes it even easier.
(four) Spring Cleaning

I love how Spring always inspires me to clean and organize. It feels like starting with a clean slate. I have taken on several organizing projects and have been working hard to keep up with a regular cleaning schedule lately.

Here is a great Spring Cleaning Checklist to inspire you!

Several of Emily Giffin's books were on the Kindle Daily Deals back in September so I purchased a few and ended up liking them more than I thought I would! They are definitely what you'd call "beach reads," but they are fun! I tend to go cycles, reading one "serious" book and then a "fluffy" book or two.

The Goodreads review states "Ellen and Andy's first year of marriage doesn't just seem perfect, it is perfect. There is no question how deep their devotion is, and how naturally they bring out the best in each other. But one fateful afternoon, Ellen runs into Leo for the first time in eight years. Leo, the one who brought out the worst in her. Leo, the one who left her heartbroken with no explanation. Leo, the one she could never quite forget. When his reappearance ignites long-dormant emotions, Ellen begins to question whether the life she's living is the one she's meant to live."

I don't feel like I can relate to the main character and I have a feeling I am not going to like the ending of the book, but it is still a fun little escape from reality.


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