Monday, March 16, 2015


Hello Monday!
Even though Joey worked ALL weekend, Viv and I had a good one.
After a lazy Saturday morning, I baked some chicken tenders for lunch. Viv ate hers with veggies and a cutie on the side and I had mine over a salad while I made a grocery list for the week.

We headed to Target next. I picked up some cute speckled Easter egg vase fillers to go on the dining table centerpiece, some things for Vivian's Easter basket, and found a cute Threshold basket on clearance that is perfect for Vivian's shoes.

I used my Chick-fil-A calendar card to get my free vanilla iced coffee and off to Publix we went.

Vivian was napping away when we got home, so I put away groceries and poured a small glass of wine to enjoy while I read the latest issue of Cooking Light.

Once Viv was up from her nap, she had a blast playing with her new water table.

Sunday morning, Viv caught up on her reading and then we headed to lunch and the Chattanooga Zoo with my in-laws.

We spent the evening laughing and playing on the porch.

Once Viv was in bed, we wrapped up the weekend with a classy dinner of Domino's pizza and wings with Costco wine, and cracked up watching Aziz Ansari's new stand up special on Netflix.

Have a great week!

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