Monday, March 23, 2015

Vivian at Fifteen Months

I can't believe my sweet Vivian is 15 months old! Her actual 15 month "birthday" was last Wednesday the 18th, but her well visit at her pediatrician was today.

She is the sweetest, funniest, and most energetic baby I have ever met, but I may be a little biased.

 21 pounds (46th percentile)
 (up from 18 pounds, 14 ounces, 34th percentile at her 12 month visit)
30.25 inches (38th percentile)
(up from 28.25 inches, 17th percentile at her 12 month visit)

What She Wears:
She is in 18 month or 12-18 month clothes.
She is in some size 4s and some 5s, depending on the brand.
She recently moved up to size 4 diapers.
What She Eats:
I feel like right now, what she likes to eat changes on a daily basis.

She is very unpredictable with lunch and dinner. Sometimes she will everything on her plate, sometimes nothing, and other times she will pick at a couple bites of everything, but finish nothing. Some days she loves chicken, other days she spits it out. Some days she loves broccoli, other days it's on the floor.

Some favorites lately have been salsa chicken, Pizza Spaghetti Squash Pie, crab cakes, muffins, baked sweet potato fries, dinner rolls, cucumbers, and strawberries.

She is always a good eater at breakfast though. She typically eats her whole breakfast at daycare during the week. At home on the weekends, she usually eats a whole banana, a YoBaby yogurt, and a sippy of milk. She will then have some of whatever weekend breakfast we are having as well- a pancake, a slice of cinnamon toast, eggs and bacon, or sausage and biscuits.

What She Says:

"Ruff" for Dog (actually, any animal)
"Book-a" for book
"Ucky" for yucky (and this is always whispered for some reason.)
She has also started saying "beh-ba," which we think means bellybutton (she is always touching her belly when she says it)

What She Likes to Do:

Take walks around the neighborhood riding in her "car," climb on everything, try to open all of the (childproof) cabinets, have mama or daddy "chase" her, spin in circles, "read" her books by herself and be read to, poke mama's bellybutton, "clean" the floors with baby wipes, splash in the bathtub or her water table, look at pictures of babies, wave at everyone she sees.

What She Hates to Do:

Sit still for any period of time, have mama or daddy brush her teeth (she loves "brushing" them on her own,) have her face or nose wiped, and diaper changes.

What She Plays With:

She loves all her little people and playing with them in their farm and playground, especially. Her Parum Pum Pum Drum is always in heavy rotation, and she likes the smart animals that came with her zoo explorers playset, but she mostly just takes apart the track itself rather than having the animals go down the ramps. She's amuses herself pushing around her popper, snuggling with Violet, and dancing around to puppy's songs. Her water table has become a new favorite in the spring weather lately as well. She is also very entertained by books! (She must get that from her mama.) She will pretend to read, stack them up, and knock each and every one off of the shelves (she gets THAT from her daddy.) She has become very good at helping clean up her toys lately, too. We can tell her to put up her toys and she will start putting them in their baskets.

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