Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Links I Like

Here are some links! Because sometimes I encounter things too cute, crazy, fun, hilarious, or interesting to keep to myself.

I am a huge Stephen King fan so it is fun to read this essay.

How crazy is this?

How is Obama only #7 on this list?

Is this why there are so many picky eaters?

These little Easter printables are so cute!

I inspired Joey to make his own bitters when I sent him this article. Stay tuned to see if that works out.

Love this! (Unrelated, but I am cracking up that his tie in the second video looks like "the dress". #teamwhiteandgold)

Speaking of the dress, do you see all the colors here?

We got a pretty cool picture of Viv sucking her thumb on an ultrasound, but that's nothing compared to these.

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