Friday, October 2, 2015

Fall Children's Books

I love to add seasonal touches everywhere around the house, especially in Fall and the holiday season, and Vivian's book ledges are no exception. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Vivian's fall wardrobe

I get so excited to pick out Vivian's new clothes with the changing seasons! Now that she is in 2T sizes, it is even more fun since they are more like mini versions of adult clothes rather than "baby" clothes. Carter's and Old Navy are our favorites and they are having great sales lately! Here is Vivian's wardrobe for this Fall:

Vivian's fall wardrobe

polka dot denim dress // striped sweater-knit dress // multi stripe shift dress // navy stripe shift dress // embellished french terry dress
black embroidered lace tee // white embroidered lace tee // floral french terry pullover // french terry tunic // printed poplin top // cardigan
5 pocket skinny stretch jeans // sparkle leggings // plaid leggings // striped leggings // pleated twill skorts // tennessee football jersey
puffer vest // hooded wool jacket // fringe ankle boots // sporty mary janes // 2-pack tights // nike shox

I can't wait to come up with outfits for her! Of course she will wear the jersey every Saturday of the football season :) , but the other days are wide open. What are your toddlers wearing this fall?

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Fall Wardrobe Additions

I have picked out a few things to add to my fall wardrobe for this year. When I caught the Old Navy tunics on sale for about $10 a piece I ordered them in all three colors. I also needed a new jeans this year because mine from last year are, ahem, umm, a bit too small. I am hoping the plaid scarf and booties will be great accessories to make pieces I already own a little more trendy. After hearing great things about the Maddy M brand leggings, I bought a black pair and a charcoal pair last year and then ended up wearing them all the time last fall and winter. So when I spotted a wine-colored pair last weekend at Costco, I snapped them up. They are not showing up on Costco's website, but they are in store! I realize I have given Old Navy way too much of my money this year, but when I saw these cute dresses and how cheap they are, I had to get them. Hopefully this will help freshen up my fall outfits!
Fall Wardrob Additions

Monday, September 14, 2015

Links I Love

Here are some links! Because sometimes I encounter things too cute, crazy, fun, hilarious, or interesting to keep to myself.

Which gold spray paint is best?

The best books coming out this fall.

Pumpkin Butter. Yummm...

The best beauty infographics.

Turning 30 described in charts and graphs.

The premature death of physical media.

Must-see movies for this fall.

A complete guide to fall 2015 television.

9 tricks to look smart in a book club.

The most comma mistakes.

Matt LeBlanc sings all of Joey's songs from Friends.

Issues with the Goodnight Moon bedroom.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Friday High Five

It was so nice to have a short week, but I am ready for our weekend! I am hoping to take Vivian for a Home Goods and grocery run tomorrow morning while the husband is working, and Saturday afternoon and evening will be all about college football. Go vols! Sunday we are having a family lunch to celebrate Joey's and my stepfather-in-law's birthdays, and the rest of the day is free.
Here are a few things keeping me smiling this week!

(one) Mind of a Chef

We stumbled upon this series on Netflix earlier this week and it is really well done. Each episode is themed around a different type of food and combines travel, cooking, history, and science. Check it out!

(two) Fall Candles

While I have not broken out the fall decorations, my fall candles have been burning non-stop.

I have a few fall Yankee Candles left over from year's past that are a quarter to half full:

And I decided to buy some new ones from White Barn Candle Co. last weekend when they had the 3-wick candles on sale for $12:

(three) CuteCumbers

I found these at Costco last weekend and I have been snacking on them all week! They are small and crunchier, and well, cuter, than regular cucumbers. They are easy to just grab and dip in ranch or just munch on by themselves. And I have Vivian halfway convinced that they are pickles!

(four) Apple Watch

Joey got me an Apple watch for my birthday (back in July, but I haven't blogged in...well, way too long,) and it is so cool! It is one of those things I didn't even know I wanted one until I had it. It will vibrate on your wrist and make a small noise when you get any alerts. It rings or vibrates when a get a phone call and you can silence it (which also silences your phone) by just placing your palm over the watch face. You can view your calendar or the weather and set a stopwatch or timer. My favorite part is the fitness tracker!

It tracks your steps and calories burned and your minutes of exercise and heart rate. It will also remind you to stand up and move around for at least one minute of every hour and tracks the number of hours you have done this. It has really helped me be more active!

(five) Essie Gel Setter Top Coat

In the past I rarely polished my fingernails because I had literally never made it 24 hours without starting to chip and a couple days before they looked terrible. Well I picked this up at Target not long ago and I made it A WEEK with only one little, barely noticeable chip! You can use any polish under it, too. I am still trying to make it a priority to find the time to paint my nails on a more regular basis, but now I know it will last when I do!

Have a great weekend!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Links I like

Here are some links! Because sometimes I encounter things too cute, crazy, fun, hilarious, or interesting to keep to myself.

Things you didn't know about Mad Men.

What the English of Shakespeare, Beowulf, and King Arthur actually sounded like.

Obama reads mean tweets.

How to pair wine with Girl Scout cookies!

I wish I could go to Mad Men dining week.

Why is Leo holding a measuring cup full of milk?

12 books to read if you loved The Girl on the Train (that aren't Gone Girl.)

How to read a recipe.

What would my mom do?

I am definitely breaking out my RedCard for one or two of these items.

A keurig for jello shots? Yes, please.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Friday High Five

TGIF! I am looking forward to a haircut, a family outing to either the Creative Discovery Museum or the Tennessee Aquarium, and date night. Here are a few things that are keeping me smiling this week:

(one) The Martian on Audiobook

This is the second book I've been listening to on my trial period of Audible. It is about an astronaut, Mark Watney, who gets stranded on Mars after an accident which was thought by his fellow crew members to have killed him. 
As the Goodreads review states,  "Now he's stranded millions of miles from the nearest human being, with no way to even signal Earth that he's alive--and even if he could get word out, his food would be gone years before a rescue mission could arrive. Chances are, though, he won't have time to starve to death. The damaged machinery, unforgiving environment, or plain-old "human error" are much more likely to get him first."
It takes a completely terrifying situation and infuses it with humor through the hilarious protagonist's wit, making it feel like one part science fiction and one part dark comedy. It also doesn't hurt that the audiobook narrator, R.C. Bray, is such an incredible voice actor, using separate intonations and accents for each character. The Martian is being adapting to a movie later this year and I can't wait. With Matt Damon playing Watney and Jessica Chastain, Kristin Wiig, Jeff Daniels, and Chiwetel Ejiofor in the cast, it is sure to be a must-see! Is it too early to plan a date night for November?
(two) Good Health
My dad had a little health scare last week that landed him in the hospital for a few days. He is recovering well and biopsies revealed that there is nothing major going on. Situations like this always make me ponder life and make me so thankful for my health and the health of my loved ones.

This recipe is a staple at our house. It is so easy, quick, and delicious. I keep most of the ingredients on hand, so it makes a great last minute dinner. We grill chicken breasts in huge batches, slice or dice them up, and freeze them, so I substitute that for the roasted chicken the recipe calls for and that makes it even easier.
(four) Spring Cleaning

I love how Spring always inspires me to clean and organize. It feels like starting with a clean slate. I have taken on several organizing projects and have been working hard to keep up with a regular cleaning schedule lately.

Here is a great Spring Cleaning Checklist to inspire you!

Several of Emily Giffin's books were on the Kindle Daily Deals back in September so I purchased a few and ended up liking them more than I thought I would! They are definitely what you'd call "beach reads," but they are fun! I tend to go cycles, reading one "serious" book and then a "fluffy" book or two.

The Goodreads review states "Ellen and Andy's first year of marriage doesn't just seem perfect, it is perfect. There is no question how deep their devotion is, and how naturally they bring out the best in each other. But one fateful afternoon, Ellen runs into Leo for the first time in eight years. Leo, the one who brought out the worst in her. Leo, the one who left her heartbroken with no explanation. Leo, the one she could never quite forget. When his reappearance ignites long-dormant emotions, Ellen begins to question whether the life she's living is the one she's meant to live."

I don't feel like I can relate to the main character and I have a feeling I am not going to like the ending of the book, but it is still a fun little escape from reality.


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Vivian's Easter Basket

Easter baskets and Christmas stockings are my favorite gifts to put together! A bunch of small, fun, happy gifts in a cute holiday container? I love it! So admittedly, I kind of go overboard on this kind of stuff. My mom always did for us too. Family tradition, right?

Vivian's easter basket was not quite as fun last year because she was only 4 months old, so she didn't really "get" it. I know she won't completely understand this year either, but I think she will be excited to open it and love her little gifts.

These are adorable and perfect for Easter. The cute little carton holds 6 eggs that each open to reveal a different colored chick inside that squeaks when you press it. The bottom of each egg also has a different shape to fit into the bottom of the carton. I'm sure we will come up with several different sorting games to play with these!

This will be Vivian's first baby doll! She has been getting so excited to see babies lately. Anytime she sees a picture of a baby or sees one on TV or in person, she will immediately smile and say "Baby? Baaaaabbbbyyy!!!" It just melts my heart. She has also been very motherly, wiping the noses of all of her stuffed animals and patting them on the head. I think she will love her new baby.
We have several of the Karen Katz lift the flap books and they are always storytime favorites.
4. Plastic eggs
I will these with cheddar goldfish, cinnamon and honey goldfish grahams, mini nilla wafers, animal crackers, cheerios, and yogurt melts to stand in as her "treats."

5. Bubble machine (similar) 
I found this in the Target Dollar Spot and included it since Springtime means bubble time for kids.

This is a Home Goods find that we picked up a few months ago.
I always remember getting a new toothbrush in my Christmas stocking and my Easter basket, so I will be doing the same for Vivian.

8. Play-doh (these Play-doh eggs would be even cuter!)
She will probably eat it, but what kid hasn't eaten Play-doh?

9. Sticker sheet
The sheet pictured above came free in the mail with an offer to join Disney's video club, so I just stuck them in there as an afterthought. A sheet from this or this would be great in a toddler's basket, too.

10. Bath paints (similar)
They have these Sesame Street bath paints in the Dollar Spot at Target from time to time and I always grab a pack when they are there.

11. Bunny shaped bubbles
These are yet another Dollar Spot find. So cute!

12. Kinetic sand (similar)
I found this small pack in the Easter basket section of Target for a few bucks, but the larger packs are everywhere these days.

13. Bunny ears (similar)
These were found in the...say it with me now... the Dollar Spot. I sound like a broken record I know, but I just cannot resist that section.

The pictures in this book are just gorgeous!


Yes, all of this is excessive for a toddler's Easter basket, but I can't help myself sometimes. I can't wait to see her enjoy it all.

What is going in your little one's basket?

Monday, March 23, 2015

Vivian at Fifteen Months

I can't believe my sweet Vivian is 15 months old! Her actual 15 month "birthday" was last Wednesday the 18th, but her well visit at her pediatrician was today.

She is the sweetest, funniest, and most energetic baby I have ever met, but I may be a little biased.

 21 pounds (46th percentile)
 (up from 18 pounds, 14 ounces, 34th percentile at her 12 month visit)
30.25 inches (38th percentile)
(up from 28.25 inches, 17th percentile at her 12 month visit)

What She Wears:
She is in 18 month or 12-18 month clothes.
She is in some size 4s and some 5s, depending on the brand.
She recently moved up to size 4 diapers.
What She Eats:
I feel like right now, what she likes to eat changes on a daily basis.

She is very unpredictable with lunch and dinner. Sometimes she will everything on her plate, sometimes nothing, and other times she will pick at a couple bites of everything, but finish nothing. Some days she loves chicken, other days she spits it out. Some days she loves broccoli, other days it's on the floor.

Some favorites lately have been salsa chicken, Pizza Spaghetti Squash Pie, crab cakes, muffins, baked sweet potato fries, dinner rolls, cucumbers, and strawberries.

She is always a good eater at breakfast though. She typically eats her whole breakfast at daycare during the week. At home on the weekends, she usually eats a whole banana, a YoBaby yogurt, and a sippy of milk. She will then have some of whatever weekend breakfast we are having as well- a pancake, a slice of cinnamon toast, eggs and bacon, or sausage and biscuits.

What She Says:

"Ruff" for Dog (actually, any animal)
"Book-a" for book
"Ucky" for yucky (and this is always whispered for some reason.)
She has also started saying "beh-ba," which we think means bellybutton (she is always touching her belly when she says it)

What She Likes to Do:

Take walks around the neighborhood riding in her "car," climb on everything, try to open all of the (childproof) cabinets, have mama or daddy "chase" her, spin in circles, "read" her books by herself and be read to, poke mama's bellybutton, "clean" the floors with baby wipes, splash in the bathtub or her water table, look at pictures of babies, wave at everyone she sees.

What She Hates to Do:

Sit still for any period of time, have mama or daddy brush her teeth (she loves "brushing" them on her own,) have her face or nose wiped, and diaper changes.

What She Plays With:

She loves all her little people and playing with them in their farm and playground, especially. Her Parum Pum Pum Drum is always in heavy rotation, and she likes the smart animals that came with her zoo explorers playset, but she mostly just takes apart the track itself rather than having the animals go down the ramps. She's amuses herself pushing around her popper, snuggling with Violet, and dancing around to puppy's songs. Her water table has become a new favorite in the spring weather lately as well. She is also very entertained by books! (She must get that from her mama.) She will pretend to read, stack them up, and knock each and every one off of the shelves (she gets THAT from her daddy.) She has become very good at helping clean up her toys lately, too. We can tell her to put up her toys and she will start putting them in their baskets.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Links I Like

Here are some links! Because sometimes I encounter things too cute, crazy, fun, hilarious, or interesting to keep to myself.

Deconstructing the fascinating lingo of the muppets.

How Life magazine covered the Selma marches in 1965.

11 books in Mad Men that represent each character.

This senior citizen version of the Uptown Funk music video has me smiling and reminds me of some of my patients at work.

30 times Rachel Green proved she was the most stylish Friend.

 War movies that are actually sort of realistic.

10 words we've forgotten how to pronouce.

How to really drive across the U.S. hitting major landmarks.

13 myths you believed that are totally busted.

What happens when Queen Elizabeth dies?

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Home Tour Tuesday: Dining Room

Time to tour the dining room!
This room has come a long way since we moved in. These are before and afters with the listing photos taken shortly before we moved in:

Since we moved in, we have painted, added a built in china cabinet, added a chair rail and applied molding, installed a new light fixture, reupholstered the dining room chairs, upgraded our furniture, and of course had the new floors installed.
We had a hand-me-down freestanding corner china cabinet that was pretty beat up, so we decided to make it into a built-in. Joey mounted it to the wall, added trim and molding, installed new hardware, and painted it. I love the way it turned out!
The only other dining room furniture we had when we moved in was a small dining set with 6 chairs that we bought off of Craigslist when we moved into our first house in 2008. The upholstry on the chairs was looking pretty stained and dingy, so I reupholsted them with some fun new fabic following this tutorial.  

So this is what it looked like shortly after we moved in.

We soon purchased a buffett cabinet, a gorgeous wool rug to go under the table, and then recently, a new farmhouse dining table and bench.

I would eventually like to buy some new dining chairs, and I need to have my mother-in-law sew a table runner that actually fits out huge new table, but other than that, I feel like this room is complete!
Look out for the Kitchen Edition of Home Tour Tuesday next. The kitchen is probably the room that has had the most changes, but it is also the room that has the most to go!

Monday, March 16, 2015


Hello Monday!
Even though Joey worked ALL weekend, Viv and I had a good one.
After a lazy Saturday morning, I baked some chicken tenders for lunch. Viv ate hers with veggies and a cutie on the side and I had mine over a salad while I made a grocery list for the week.

We headed to Target next. I picked up some cute speckled Easter egg vase fillers to go on the dining table centerpiece, some things for Vivian's Easter basket, and found a cute Threshold basket on clearance that is perfect for Vivian's shoes.

I used my Chick-fil-A calendar card to get my free vanilla iced coffee and off to Publix we went.

Vivian was napping away when we got home, so I put away groceries and poured a small glass of wine to enjoy while I read the latest issue of Cooking Light.

Once Viv was up from her nap, she had a blast playing with her new water table.

Sunday morning, Viv caught up on her reading and then we headed to lunch and the Chattanooga Zoo with my in-laws.

We spent the evening laughing and playing on the porch.

Once Viv was in bed, we wrapped up the weekend with a classy dinner of Domino's pizza and wings with Costco wine, and cracked up watching Aziz Ansari's new stand up special on Netflix.

Have a great week!